#勥跤 #老查某 矣…原本 #台北市 可以有更加好的發展。但,既然市民無目睭👀…無緣發揮治理城市抱負的 #姚文智 先生…創立《 #湠臺灣電影公司 》,擔任 #出品人#製片 ,伊,絕對比起 汝彼箍 #被收押#看守所#毋成潲 #後生 💩 #柯痞文哲 💩 #柯文哲 閣較 #有路用 !閣較 #有學問 !在 #臺灣歷史 上…閣較 #有斤兩 超過百倍以上!😤
.Sandy Huang (@1450817good) on Threads
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I reached the point of the winter where I'm basically just getting by which means that this is my best record so far in terms of mental health
but I still sort of just lose momentum at some point and getting into February isn't bad. I really could use some spring weather but right now it's arctic blast shit so.
idk, not a fan
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