α 阿爾法, β 貝塔, γ 伽瑪,δ 德爾塔, ε 伊普西隆, ζ 澤塔, η 伊塔, θ 西塔, ι 約塔, κ 卡帕, λ 蘭姆達,μ 米歐 ,ν 紐, ξ 克西, ο 歐米克隆, π 派, ρ 柔 ,σ 西格瑪, τ 陶 ,υ 伊普西隆, φ 弗愛, χ 凱, ψ 普賽
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oh no
In the same conversation, me: "yeah, I used LinkedIn to get rackets">
Client: "ah, so you're not earning enough here".
Me and boss: awkward silence
Client: maniacal laughter
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