沉默潛艦 8 months ago美將祭新關稅 葉倫:中國恐做出「重大回應」 - 自由財經彭博:拜登將把中國電動車關稅翻4倍 太陽能產品可能躲過 - 自由財經中國航運「一艙難求」再現 A股航運板塊創波段新高 - 自由財經[爆卦] 大陸拿到烏克蘭的愛國者導彈 - 看板Gossiping@Silentsubmarine - “All animals are equal but some a... 6 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses a_mia_blesays san ka punta? Charlessays hmm. tc! TheFagHagsays barbs! lumipat lang ako pc at kumain TheFagHagsays Charles: haha Charlessays haha! sorry naman TheFagHagsays ok lang Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks