sfbluepan Last edited a year ago動保組織PETA針對《幻獸帕魯 PalWorld》玩家虐待帕魯發表聲明:玩家應吃素善待動物「相機被猴子偷走」拍下猴子自拍照的攝影師,因為版權問題已經打官司打到破產From the photography community on Reddit: Monkey sel...David J Slater Photography@sfbluepan - 不願面對的真相 偽環保 偽科學 新世界秩序 世界不配擁有@sfbluepan - 環保 假議題 新世界秩序 8 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks