【샤이니】❤ 馥品sally830912
Come back to clean up the spider webs!
【샤이니】❤ 馥品 @sally830912
30 years old, female

【샤이니♥】- 사랑해요〃
【李珍基 ONEW】이온유
【金鐘炫 JONGHYUN】김종현
【金基範 Key】김기범
【崔珉豪 MINHO】최민호
【李泰民 TAEMIN】이태민 。
❤ SHINee :-*
* 我不是唯飯 !! 我全部都愛 ♥♥
:-D (heart_beat) (heart_beat) (heart_beat)
無名 : www.wretch.cc/blog/sherry6778

Kaohsiung, Taiwan


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Member since: 2010-9-7 Last login2012-11-2
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