64Friends 28Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
I'm a composer!

I'm a Z-List Knit Blogger!
And now, I'm a Plurker!

Behold my glory!
Z-List is
15 years ago
sneaking in some pre-class knitting.
Z-List has
15 years ago
dragged her sorry carcass back to work.
Z-List has
15 years ago 2
been felled by a chest cold since Friday. The only cure is to start a Cookie A sock. Yarn is wound...deciding which one now...
Z-List is
15 years ago
gunning for the last slot in her division of Sock Madness... Good morning!
Z-List is
15 years ago
sleepy...but needs to do a bit more interview prep.
Z-List has
15 years ago
arrived in Green Bay.
15 years ago 2
makes a triumphant(?) return to Plurk after a long weekend roadtrip! Hi!
Z-List is
15 years ago
over the hump - 6 classes down, 4 to go before the break!
Z-List is
15 years ago
waiting for calzones to arrive. If we ever leave Chicago, I'll miss food from Pockets (pocketsonline.com)
Z-List says
15 years ago 4
the only problem with having 4 days until spring break is that I have to teach 4 more days worth of classes. Wish me luck!