83Friends 75Fans
female Fayetteville, NC, United States
I knit and sew and try to keep the family in line! My heart is in Maine (my son too at school) where I long to be back again one day.

JaneZ Place
zknitter says
15 years ago 4
Hello everyone!
zknitter says
15 years ago
time for dinner! (hungry)
zknitter says
15 years ago 2
Hi there!
zknitter says
15 years ago 2
time to get ready for knitting guild meeting! PYL
zknitter says
15 years ago
Good morning! Pumpkin bread in the oven (mmm)
zknitter says
15 years ago
time to go finish my sleeve on my Feb. lady! PYL
zknitter says
15 years ago 4
zknitter is
15 years ago 1
off to finish this darned sleeve! Good nite!
zknitter is
15 years ago
done w/dishes!! Time to knit more!
zknitter is
15 years ago 3
doing dishes too...