83Friends 75Fans
female Fayetteville, NC, United States
I knit and sew and try to keep the family in line! My heart is in Maine (my son too at school) where I long to be back again one day.

JaneZ Place
zknitter thinks
15 years ago 3
she shouldn't go to work today...why, just because ;-)
zknitter says
15 years ago 10
Good morning!
zknitter says
15 years ago 3
time to eat! PYL!
zknitter says
15 years ago
daughter has sweat pants now, no shorts for PE anymore! Thanks for the reminder of how it is changing in front of everyone in high school!
zknitter says
15 years ago 4
helllllo there! :-)
zknitter says
15 years ago 2
dog is running around the house chasing the cat! What a miracle dermaxx is! She also started on her glucosamine today
zknitter has
15 years ago 5
survived talking w/daughter and hubby. Yes, it was the shorts issue. She hates showing her feet and legs, always has.
zknitter is
15 years ago 4
off to eat dinner before I talk to hubby and daughter...wish me luck! PYL
zknitter is
15 years ago 4
zknitter says
15 years ago 9
X-( 15 y/o girls!! GAHHHHHH can I exchange her for a boy?? huh?