7Friends 0Fans
female Philadelphia, PA, United States
zipperkitten is
12 years ago 13
starting to get nervous about the wisdom teeth removal in less than two weeks.
12 years ago 24
how do you tell the person you love a hard truth that they need to accept but in a way that makes it clear you still love them?
zipperkitten was
12 years ago 5
sorry she had to leave the party early last night but rules are rules :-P
12 years ago 1
got straight A's for the semester!
12 years ago 6
does not want to go to work and deal with her bully of a co-worker. But has no choice.
12 years ago
should likely not plurk while on pain meds next time (blush)
12 years ago
sometimes I walk around with peanut butter on my nose in the shape of a rhino horn.
12 years ago
finals. Ugh.
zipperkitten has
13 years ago 1
zero motivation to write my third English essay.
zipperkitten is
13 years ago 11
having a really tough emotional day today.