2Friends 89Fans
male Quebec, QC, Canada
Born in the city of Québec, in Canada I grow with my grand-parent for the first 12 years of my live. My favorite’s activities were sports building fortress and play video games. At 5 years old I started to learn piano without great success. I grow a
zexxia says
12 years ago
brb in 5 min
zexxia says
12 years ago
La site de la Banque Nationale est down bravo je log genre 2 fois par année sur le merde de site et sa fait 3 fois qu'il sont offline. !!
zexxia says
12 years ago
Faxer Imprimer let's go
zexxia says
12 years ago
The New Yahoo! profile ItSuck
zexxia says
13 years ago
Good night
zexxia says
13 years ago
There's more advertisement on CBC player then GlobalTV. (Video) Just saying..
zexxia says
13 years ago
Rrrrrrrr Ptite neinge fondante à Matin :-(
zexxia says
13 years ago
Bon je vais dormir, Bonne nuit, À demain (o:
zexxia says
13 years ago
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite YArK Better keep Adobe for a while
zexxia says
13 years ago
Je vais être à Québec Vendredi à Dimanche.