9Friends 7Fans
male Philippine, Philippines
zantblade hopes
15 years ago 2
"you are with me ...,only there is a glass between us".. :[..but tonight its time for me to break the glass to be with you =3
zantblade hopes
15 years ago
to know the true you feel blue no more of losing you .. :[
zantblade feels
15 years ago
curiously ...weird .. :-(
zantblade feels
15 years ago
...sad...and tired...
zantblade feels
15 years ago 3
alone my own home ..
zantblade feels
15 years ago
awful of guys who don't know how to treat women the right way ..a wolf disguised as a rude of you to say bad things to a girl
zantblade feels
15 years ago
sleepy but i still need to finish my acct assign ..good nyte doodz ...zantblade off .. =3
zantblade hates
15 years ago
guys who cant respect a girl even though she hurt him ...hmm how childish of you to say such things to a girl .. (annoyed)
zantblade wonders
15 years ago 16
what a coincidence the world is an apple .. =3
zantblade wonders
15 years ago 6
why i still care for you ..well i can always accept the fact that i can love you as a friend.. =3