3Friends 3Fans
female Indonesia
Work seriously, live easily, and love passionately
yurini shares
13 years ago
my heart is so broken, i don't think i give u a chance
yurini shares
13 years ago
u're so great and funny... :-))
yurini shares
13 years ago
kepikiran omongan risa kemaren, i should put my self on top of the tower, i deserve it, and let him find me.. not vice versa.... :-(
yurini shares
13 years ago 1
new hair....new eyebrow, new bag.. happy monday
yurini shares
13 years ago
demotivateeeeeeeeeeeeee (unsure)
yurini shares
13 years ago
searching historical gas pricing + trending... (:
yurini shares
13 years ago 1
aku tlalu malas untuk kerja hari ini.... comparison on achievement 2010 vs bus plan ahead...dih malasssss mikir (:
yurini shares
13 years ago
coffee.. really boost my mood... can't live w/o it (K)
yurini shares
13 years ago
i wanna add u on my YM, afraid of being rejected, and not noticed by you.... pfffhhh... forget it then...
yurini shares
13 years ago
makan gado2 setelah 4 hari makan daging berkolesterol... parah... (sick)