Freezing cold in the office, even wearing two layers of jacket doesn't help. Think i need to bring my winter time super thick jacket.
Mock up is not my best friend. As well as cutter and ruler. Always screwing up doing mock up. Seniors are going to hate me.
seniors brought me along to go visit a printing shop this morning. they even have separate machines for CMYK. so high tech.
frustrated with my office seating place! miserable! I am the only one who sit in the weirdest place, solo! =(
getting the lousiest and oldest mac, getting to sit with nobody, that's what I get from being a newbie in the office.
Still thinking whether wanna go for the company trip to Penang this coming 30/31 August. The question is to go or not.
It's working day no.8 and I still got nothing to do. Oh well, that's what I get from being designer no.11
I make a discovery today: men(senior) are more willing to teach me stuff than women(senior). hmm. what's with the gender.
having abso zero things 2 do for the whole day, about to go home at 6.30pm, senior gave me sth to edit that need to send to client by 2day
one thing about working for an ad agency, you will never know what time you can go home.