17Friends 26Fans
female Malaysia
a lil' bit shy, big klutz & perfectionist :-)
fongyun says
13 years ago
if only you are the one who asked that question
fongyun says
13 years ago 2
I was talking, then I was interrupted, and when I want to continue the conversation, I forgot what I was talking before. nice.
fongyun says
13 years ago 1
my birthday wishes for PeiShen came true! lol. but, but when is my turn?
fongyun says
13 years ago
why is it seems so easy for some people, but not me?
fongyun says
13 years ago
fongyun says
13 years ago
seems like there's not much freedom in fb anymore. but it's okay. that's what my blog are for. it's for vain, self absorbed me.
fongyun says
13 years ago
it makes me feel like i don't want to upload any pictures of me anymore.
fongyun says
13 years ago
someone just send me a msg in fb to ask me don't use the profile pic I changed this morning cos it's not nice. ouch. that sort of hurt :-(
fongyun says
13 years ago 2
:-) (heart_beat)
fongyun says
13 years ago 3
it's my birthday 2morrow and i don't have any plan. pathetic, i know. or does that mean i'm growing old? :C