32Friends 79Fans
female Kubang Kerian, Malaysia
#Loves anime
#Enjoys reading and listening to music
#Loves travelling

Currently obsessed with photography. snapsnap
yukana says
14 years ago 22
I never knew that I could sew!
yukana says
14 years ago 6
anime! Please don't jam up my lappy! :'-(
yukana says
14 years ago 2
sometimes its not that we don't wanna help. Its just because you've been asking for help too frequently that we don't feel like helping.
yukana is
14 years ago
gonna watch another movie tomorrow. (woot)
yukana says
14 years ago 16
the costume arrived today~~~lalala
yukana says
14 years ago 3
watched Skyline and was practically screaming WTH at the ending
yukana thinks
14 years ago
Bleach is getting more and more exaggerating that it's driving my imagination to its limit.
yukana says
14 years ago 6
new hair cut makes me look like a doll. But its pretty cool. :-)
yukana wonders
14 years ago
is the temperature in Ipoh getting lower? Cause I feel pretty cold here.
yukana is
14 years ago
in (heart) with Hakuoki. *fangirls*