1Friends 13Fans
male Fremont, CA, United States
yudashkai says
12 years ago
LOL. I did not see the end twist coming: The journey of how a guy became wise with picking girlfriends https://i.imgur.com/m3uWb.png
yudashkai says
12 years ago
Why The McDonalds Breakfast Menu Is Not Served All Day ow.ly/apR6X
yudashkai says
12 years ago
Terrible experience with Fidelity...unprofessional, late, needed my Mifi to work, typos, making false excuses, blaming the customer.
yudashkai says
12 years ago
Don't be a creep when it comes to using customer data ow.ly/1iPYTJ
yudashkai says
12 years ago
How Ticketmaster personalizes your event-purchasing experience ow.ly/1iOnCt
yudashkai says
12 years ago
This video is REALLY cool. Kid builds his own cardboard arcade and faces a flashmob ;-) Caine's Arcade
yudashkai says
12 years ago
Digital Signage and the Customer Experience ow.ly/1iMdzP
yudashkai says
12 years ago
RewardMe's doing a webinar on FastCasual.com titled "How to use BIG DATA to influence customer behavior". Calendar It! ow.ly/aadPj
yudashkai says
12 years ago
RewardMe Infographic Friday: What Happens To Loyalty Program Points? ow.ly/1isR1m
yudashkai says
12 years ago
"Excuse me. I think you dropped something." "You dropped your smile. Do you have any spare change?" Totally got me... :-)