0Friends 3Fans
male San Pedro, Costa Rica
I am co-owner of www.tierralinda-realestate.com and Yoga-Teacher.
yogitobi says
13 years ago
How you can build on agricultural land in Costa Rica you can learn in the following video! It's in German but subtitled ow.ly/7Xf4g
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Qué es Raja Yoga? Aqui un pequeno video.. ow.ly/7HYPj
yogitobi says
13 years ago
How to change agricultural land into building land in Costa Rica? Here a short video in German with English subtitles ow.ly/7HJUk
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Why real estate prices for homes will drop in the near future..A short video in German with English subtitles..ow.ly/7uBPw
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Yoga para principiantes - postura de yoga parivrtta trikonasana o triangulo girado. Aqui un video que lo ensena... ow.ly/7tAsP
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Cómo es yoga para ninos? Este video lo explica ow.ly/7m4Xf
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Think getting a residency as investor for $50 000 is impossible in Costa Rica? Not quite right...ow.ly/7fo8k
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Yoga Para Principiantes – Postura de Yoga Guerrero 2 ow.ly/7eQ7v
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Teak can be planted almost everywhere, but if you want the best outcome, you should watch the following video ow.ly/790fz
yogitobi says
13 years ago
Aqui un video sobre los efectos de la postura de yoga del guerrero uno a tres.. ow.ly/72yHi