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female St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City State (Holy See)
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Leslie @ Aefenglom

Queer woman who goes by Yosie. I roleplay sometimes.

4 years ago 16
Eventually, I made a top level for the Darkness and Frost log.
4 years ago 21
I got a little thrown off my stride in the early August schedule, but now there is a Lunasa top level for Leslie.
[fgo / lostbelt 2] "wow, good fellow had such an amazing entrance!!!"
silence for three weeks
It's the return of the Götterdämmerung liveblogging! ...a little bit. I'm only planning to do one battle tonight.
4 years ago 15
[meme] This is a difficult one so I was only able to actually pick at a few people, so I understand anyone who has trouble.
4 years ago 20
[meme] Lunchtime character questions.
4 years ago 24
I don't currently plan to put Leslie up on the emoji meme since I have been, um, notably absent, but I wanted to note that 1) the people who replied to Leslie's replies have warmed my heart and made me smile and 2) have made me laugh because she's collected more "I would kill for you" than "I would hug you or hold your hand," which, you know, fair.
4 years ago 1
I remain behind on my tags, but I can shoot off a few meme tags while I work, so here is Leslie on the Confessions meme.
[fgo/lostbelt 2] I don't expect to do much of this right now, but while I'm waiting for a pill to dissolve beneath my tongue you can't tell me that they're going to probably queerbait me give me f/f content and not revive my determination to get Skadi some levels.
[fgo/lostbelt spoilers] I had an exceptionally nice bout of pulls recently, and Skadi’s mat requirements have forced me to start the Lostbelts. (Granblue took over as the mobage of choice due to an overlap of Granblue free pulls with FGO event reruns, but now FGO is the one giving all the stuff so it’s back.) Anastasia comments within.
4 years ago 15
So I very nearly did an extremely Yosie thing today, as I was finishing up that June catch-all that I have been planning on since like...the 7th or something. And I planned to post it, but I think that might be a little too stubborn about doing things even when late even for me.