What's the meaning of xoxo ?
I got allergy on my face after facial treatment....
Next Month (Dec 14~17), Uniqlo will go to Taiwan for international recruitment. Focus only on Top Schools.< I think they are Crazy.
French woman is really attractive!
If uniqlo has 3 years trainning program offered to you at HQ Japan, are you willing to apply for ?
+J :今天配合銀座新店開幕正式推出 Uniqlo+Jil sander 的新line: +J. 我只能說大家用搶的. 規定一人同款只能買一件. 本人發揮歐巴桑的功力下班後直衝,眼尖的發現已經在早上就快賣光的Ssize,根本沒看款式直接丟到菜籃裡!