gooooooooood morning bob!!
可怜的容和,自从美男过后~没有一天是空下来的~这几天他的日程比较隐藏式了~(frm saturn / trans by yen)
新cp:走红地毯的猪肉汤饭cp和走天桥的鳗鱼cp~(frm saturn / trans by yen)
AccousticVIP首演和媒体首演将在Wangshimni CGV 4:30pm举行~cnblue全体将会出现~钟贤和敏赫以演员的身份出席,容和和正信以VIP的身份出席~(frm saturn / trans by yen)
容和和钟贤和T-ara3个女生在现在正在仁川机场拍摄,看起来是拍摄MAMA的宣传短片~(frm saturn / trans by yen)
Poor Yong Hwa, he didn't have a day off at all since he started YAB.
These days he has more hidden schedule than before.
New coupling: Pork soup couple on red carpet, eel couple on runway.
All CNBLUE will be there, Min & Jong as actors, Yong & Jung as VIPs.