2Friends 2Fans
yellowfruitsparks says
15 years ago
my world revolves around 'cookie-cutter popstar stuff' and I'm proud of it :-D
yellowfruitsparks loves
15 years ago
a piping hot cup of coffee+milo (: (YOU SHOULD TRY IT IT'S AWESOME ;])
15 years ago
can't wait for the CSI episode with Taylor Swift! (:
yellowfruitsparks says
15 years ago
I think I'm giving up on history. BLAH!
15 years ago
bought FEARLESS by Taylor Swift! :-D
yellowfruitsparks loves
15 years ago
her birthday presents. (A little late to say that but I still love 'em :-))
yellowfruitsparks has
15 years ago
grown a year older since the last time she massively plurked!
yellowfruitsparks hates
15 years ago
being addicted to the wonderful world of internet :-(
yellowfruitsparks hopes
15 years ago
that the JB world tour dates would be released earlier so that she won't be switching on the computer everyday to check if the date are out!
15 years ago
cant join Twitter because 'yellowfruitsparks' is apparently a really long name that cant fit into the box!