25Friends 14Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
Since the mid-1980s til now, I have dedicated in the field of tourism as an inbound tour guide. Starting in '08, I started the business of rottan furniture.
my motto,Trust me. I know what I'm doing and I know what you want: [email protected]
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
Wie sind Sie uberhoupt?
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
Hallo meine frounde aus Deutchland.
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
Hoe zijn julie allemaal?
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
hallo mijn vrienden zijn uit Nederland..
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
mari semua. assalamu'alaikum wr wb
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
kita cabut dulu ya
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
nanti bis solat Jumat kita sambung lagi ya
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
yu ah kita cari bekal buat berangkat ke akhirat nanti
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
kita tinggalkan dulu rutinitas kita
yatsuwa is
13 years ago
sebagai muslim yang taat ya mari kita sholat jum'at