21Friends 109Fans
female Baguio, Philippines
I love may family, friends and above all, God.

I love travels, jazz, movies. I love life! ;-)
yanamari says
15 years ago
you just need to have a heart & the drive to help. (heart)
yanamari says
15 years ago
I was texting everyone to continue praying for the victims of Ondoy when someone replied "Affected ka ba ng bagyo sa Manila??"
yanamari says
15 years ago
Fatima was asking me if she can donate high heels. Hahahaha (lmao)
yanamari says
15 years ago
VCF-Baguio is accepting relief goods(clothes, canned goods,etc). All items will be packed & be coursed through ABS-CBN Sagip Kapamilya.
yanamari says
15 years ago
bayanihan is so heart-warming noh? (heart)
yanamari says
15 years ago
hang in there Philippines.. God will make a way! ALWAYS! God is in control..
yanamari says
15 years ago
my dad's in Ilocos since the other day. Thank you Lord he was not able to experience the scary typhoon. (worship)
yanamari is
15 years ago
grateful thatmy sister Chemae is out of town, enjoying her Bohol trip. Thank you Lord you spare her from Ondoy.
yanamari says
15 years ago
civilians are going out of their way to rescue. Men in action, eh? Where's the government in all this?
yanamari says
15 years ago
Hahahaha.. Kuya Rene finally signed up for FB! hahaha (LOL)