15Friends 10Fans
female Burlington, ON, Canada
Ello ello. Pretty much, im 20 years old, just graduated from college for travel and tourism and Im obsessed with videogames. Thats just about all there is to it :]
xxchellzxx says
15 years ago 7
bow chicka bow wow. boredom is killing me.
xxchellzxx says
15 years ago 2
and i doooo wanna love you! im in a hedley mood for some reason.
xxchellzxx is
15 years ago 10
playing sonic! :-D chyeahh!
xxchellzxx says
15 years ago
2 exams down, 3 to go! :-D
xxchellzxx is
15 years ago 3
gooooddd mornninngg plurkers!! :-D
xxchellzxx is
15 years ago 2
feeling like a giant whale atm..too much pizza and breadsticks :-(
xxchellzxx loves
15 years ago 6
xxchellzxx wonders
15 years ago 4
if i'll ever get any studying done since im so preoccupied with plurk and twitter! D:
xxchellzxx hates
15 years ago
the gross hottness that is her room right now. icky!!