14Friends 6Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
“Us girls want a man with a plan & ambition. Not a boy with a pussy hit mission.” --a;LUI
xXHypnotiq is
15 years ago
laughing her ass off. (woot)
xXHypnotiq is
15 years ago
feeling wonderful .
xXHypnotiq thinks
15 years ago
Halloween is about to be cracccking.
xXHypnotiq wonders
15 years ago 17
if she should go or not.
xXHypnotiq says
15 years ago
It's only a paper cut, but it feels like a knife. It's only a moment, but it feels like my life. :'-(
xXHypnotiq thinks
15 years ago 16
this weekends not gunna be fun. ]':
xXHypnotiq thinks
15 years ago
MLIA is the best thing there is.
xXHypnotiq says
15 years ago
goodbye:-)) friend.
xXHypnotiq thinks
15 years ago
Today, while driving, I got a text message, so I turned down the radio to answer it. I'm still not sure why I did that. MLIA
xXHypnotiq thinks
15 years ago
i'm going to be up for a while... T: