Xian XD
13Friends 6Fans
Xian XD says
15 years ago
sore throat! :-(
Xian XD says
15 years ago
whats wrong with me today?!
Xian XD hopes
15 years ago
its just a fasle alarm, please...
Xian XD says
15 years ago
Xian XD says
15 years ago
Xian XD says
15 years ago
why isn't the pain going away! (sick)
Xian XD says
15 years ago
why dont you understand!
Xian XD says
15 years ago
my back! :'-(
Xian XD says
15 years ago
the problem is even if there's more people knowing, the pain wont decrease. yet it will increase
Xian XD says
15 years ago
one more people knowing will only add on the burden,so what you knew,it wont help.