49Friends 60Fans
female Singapore
★Don't assume, don't think.
I am who I am.
You think you're better than me,
I don't give a shit.

♥ /
★shaaaronlmh is
14 years ago
afraid. Watched "the shock of the ladyrinth" whatever ghost show is that in 3D. Fuck it.
★shaaaronlmh says
14 years ago
nabei. come all the way down to shisha. then everyone is leaving.
★shaaaronlmh feels
14 years ago 2
plurk kinda boring nao.
★shaaaronlmh needs
14 years ago
a reminder. Going dating with my ladies.
★shaaaronlmh needs
14 years ago 3
a very close friend to stick with me thick and thin.
★shaaaronlmh wonders
14 years ago 1
why am i always trying, when you don't appreciate.
★shaaaronlmh is
14 years ago
bored ttm.
14 years ago
didn't online for 2 days then karma jitao drop. Sad.
★shaaaronlmh wonders
14 years ago
do you actually understand what does "friendship is worth more than anything else" means?
★shaaaronlmh says
14 years ago
you happy jiu hao. Now everything change once you got someone "new".