100Friends 160Fans
male Pasay City, Philippines
Learning Multimedia Artist
Born Again Christian
Web Design and Developer

I d0nt add PeOplezZZz wHu tYpe 4nD Sp3LLzZzz liEk diZ pl0xXx... pHouUZZzzzZ
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
It silently hurts, when you do everything to make a person happy and yet they don't give the least bit effort to make you.
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
Why? Why do you have to keep silent from me?
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
"Sorry, all circuits are busy now, please try your call later." Its been so long. What's happening PLDT?
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
Liar, liar.
kevinusaur says
13 years ago 2
One words and its all yours.
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
Who are you?
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
I can't think of anybody else who I hate to miss.
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
Maybe you're not telling me because there's nothing to tell. Who am I? An abandoned wishing well?
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
Ill never ask for anyone but you ~ ♫ ♥
kevinusaur says
13 years ago
I think that egg just made my tongue itch.