122Friends 116Fans
female Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
I'm lovin' my LIFE!

Wow Its mom, but Im sleepy (와~ 엄마다 근데 졸려)
lolabaXang says
12 years ago 1
hhaayyzzz gakalimtan na jud q sa ako boss.. :-(
lolabaXang is
12 years ago
feeling better nah. I hope final ni..di na unta mgbalik2x aq fever oi :-(
lolabaXang says
12 years ago
‎2012 will b my year. 8s tym 2 prepare making nterestng & lyf-altering changes. Year of d Dragon: In with a mighty roar!
lolabaXang says
12 years ago
Fever, finally settling down. Still happy This year's motto: Good Juju in, Bad Juju out!
lolabaXang says
12 years ago
Happy New Year! Finally, internet!!!
lolabaXang says
12 years ago
Oh no...please don't tell me I'm gonna welcome the new year with sickness?! T_T
lolabaXang says
12 years ago
good morning! got lots to do today before the new year starts! :-D wohhooo!!
lolabaXang is
12 years ago
tidying up for New Year's! gotta leave the mess and start organizing my life! yes!
lolabaXang is
12 years ago
home from baby sitting..or dog sitting? hahhaha