122Friends 116Fans
female Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
I'm lovin' my LIFE!

Wow Its mom, but Im sleepy (와~ 엄마다 근데 졸려)
lolabaXang says
13 years ago
just got home from visiting Amber and running some errands
lolabaXang is
13 years ago
lolabaXang says
13 years ago 1
i miss HIMYM and TBBT :-(
lolabaXang says
13 years ago
I literally just woke up...tulog whole day dots!
lolabaXang says
13 years ago
nahuman ra jud ang video! phew!
lolabaXang says
13 years ago 1
the rain's still not stopping! :-(
lolabaXang is
13 years ago
awake..yey for tubig!
13 years ago
Pagong dedicating his songs to me through fb chat..awww how sweet my bebeb (cozy)
13 years ago
video chatting(although ako ra ang makita) with Pagong..I can hear them singing in the background
13 years ago
just finished watching the movie, Warrior and I literally cannot stop crying.. Best movie ever!