who do you turn t when you're bored.
you will never understand how i felt last niqht.
do yknow how much i miss everythinq i had. i chanqed my life t fit yours & this is what i qet.
you'd never know how much your words have hurt me. in one day. you'd never understand. will you ?
you'd never understand how hurt i am just by your lil actions. you'd never understand th thouqhts that enter my brain.
you'd never know how tempted i was t just rush into th road & qet myself killed earlier.
havinq revenqe? im tired. really. i just want t kill myself
you dont know how hurt i am
walked t kembanqan mrt. took a cab t eunos t press money. t qeylanq t dapao food for you & back. now youre sleepinq. qoodjob.