28Friends 15Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
Addicted to Xylver
E-Gamer Girl Member

Favorite Colours: Pink, Purple and Blue

Movies: Anything but horror =]

TVShows: Home and Away, Desperate House Wives, The Simpsons, RAGE…

MMOs I’ve Played: Dance! Online, RuneScape, 9D
Kiera says
14 years ago 5
:-P GMs of zx will we get a patch at maintence 2morrow? since its first thursday of the month
Kiera says
14 years ago 2 off of plurk for today
Kiera says
14 years ago 4
Good Morning fellow plurkers
Kiera is
14 years ago 1
going home now yay
Kiera says
14 years ago 54
Boyfriend package
Kiera says
14 years ago 2
Absence makes the heart grow fonder -william shakespeare
Kiera says
14 years ago
The best thing about me is you :-(
Kiera says
14 years ago 1
You never know what you have until its gone :'-(
Kiera says
14 years ago 3
I hate this feeling, it's one I know all to well, it's a thing called heartbreak and it hurts like hell :-(