' ♥ 小Choco! ™
87Friends 136Fans
female Singapore
I (heart_beat) my family and shopping! Don't walk into my life if you intend to leave me, tyvm. I will be friendly and nice to you only if you are ☮
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
and brought a album today! Haha ft album! Not bad leh, though it's like taiwan version <; And yes $$ fly. Oh, and at sp, i brought like a
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
hai plurkers, went to cwp today. Brought a necklace for $27.90 and it really broke my heart.. Gonna get more necklace soon anyway ;D Haha.
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
i forgot what i want to say. Ok whatever, gonna go and sleep now. Goodnight and bye plurkers. Plurk again tmr.
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
i pray for my uncle to be strong please <3 Please stay strong. I love you.
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
hai plurkers, i went to chinatown today and i don't really like chinatown, don't ask me why. Afterwards, went to ahma place. Homed @ 11pm.
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
so late sleep then idk why so early wakeup. Lol. Shit sia, i confirm later i will fall asleep one sia. My body clock spoil alrd.
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
hai plurkers, good afternoon. Haha. Omg, i slept at 3+am ytd and i wokeup at like 10+am today and it's like scaryyy
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
sian, hope internet time will extend. Ok whatever. Gonna go now. Plurk again tomorrow. Goodnight and bye plurkers lol.
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
anyway, i have the sudden urge to go to vivo tomorrow! Omg? LOL i want some shopping or you say i need to? :-D
' ♥ 小Choco! ™ says
13 years ago
and today's quite a fucked up day, some crazy man really piss me off -.- Okay whatever.