just popped on to plurk and POOF! I'm gone again. I wonder what Wisecrack Zodiac has in store for me this week?
her card of the day - the two of swords
winding up NaNo (not that she did very well) and is back to plurking!
just discovered two of her favorite writers at AW are married! Why is she always the last to know?
saw Quantum of Solace last night. Not enough naked Bond. Not. Freakin'. Enough.
took three of the girls to see Father Christmas at our favorite British shop today. Went early to beat the crowds and there was no one
her blogroll back! Blogger ate my blogroll so I have nothing to promote! If you have a writing-centered blog, list it here and I'll add it
watching the 6yo on the pogo stick. When did these get hi-tech?