6Friends 10Fans
male Miami, FL, United States
WPT Boot Camp run hands-on workshop on tournament and cash game poker in Casinos throughout the US. I am the founder and love my job more everyday! I get to travel to all these events and love meeting and hanging out with all the poker pros I come
wptbootcamp shares
16 years ago
Charlie bit my finger - again ! funny kids (LOL)
wptbootcamp asks
16 years ago
don't they have a better system by now than scantron for voting? X-(
wptbootcamp wonders
16 years ago
how long i will be waiting to vote tomorrow morning
wptbootcamp is
16 years ago
eating leftovers...late lunch
wptbootcamp hopes
16 years ago
the rain brings cold whether to FL
wptbootcamp is
16 years ago
Going over what happened on our DR trip..."how did we get here"
wptbootcamp is
16 years ago
Busy, booking flights and getting ready for our Dominican trip! (woot)
wptbootcamp is
16 years ago
is reading an article about Ron Rubens in today's Sun Sentinel