15Friends 8Fans
male Durham, NC, United States
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 4
"台台 先生喜歡偶~"
Kuan-I says
15 years ago
為您帶來一首 AVtime sung by Britney Spears Britney Spears - Everytime ( live )
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 1
今天一個跟我同組marketing一學期的美國人說我英文講的不錯~ (如果我沒有聽錯的話...) 呵這已經是我這學期第二次被美國同學稱讚了 (cozy) 但我覺得不是真的很好耶 聽力也很差勁...再加強囉!
Kuan-I asks
15 years ago
TGIF = TGI.Friday?? = Thanks God, it's Friday!= To get it fxcked?? (unsure)
Kuan-I says
15 years ago
OLD NAVY原來那麼好逛喔!~
Kuan-I is
15 years ago 4
expecting the I-Pod Touch with "Camera"!!~
Kuan-I says
15 years ago
This Sunday there's a sport competition among 4 colleges including UNC, UNCG, NC-state and DUKE!! GO DUKE!!~ (Of course I'm in basketball)
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 2
讓我心裡有點挫的新聞 我之前買過ground beef回來做肉燥~ 現在frozen裡面還有四大塊costco買回來的牛肉塊 (tongue)
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 1
Y!運動網的MLB世界大賽及時文字轉播~旁邊的廣告是...性感女性內衣之TV廣告強打明星熱銷系列!! 這樣的行銷策略是假設看MLB的觀眾大部分是男性~而且是好色的男性嗎?? 真的不懂...(annoyed) 要嘛也是放個MLB相關商品or運動周邊商品相關的廣告..感覺比較合理點~
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 2
Finally Nov comes, 1 month to go for flying back TW. Well...this also means I have to start reviewing & preparing for the finals :-(