15Friends 8Fans
male Durham, NC, United States
Kuan-I says
15 years ago
Daylight Saving Period ended yesterday, Nov 1, so now the time difference btw the east coast of USA and TW is 13 hrs. USA behind
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 1
電腦裡面只有不能縮的咪咪的First Kiss(無歌唱版)可是一直有印象它的旋律也是有歌唱版的,可是就不知道叫甚麼歌名... ;-) 剛剛去yahoo search了一下~ 周杰倫 - 彩虹mv!!
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 2
今天中午自己帶饅頭夾蛋夾肉鬆~ 咬下去~ (cozy)好幸福的感覺!
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 1
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 1
From a ship:"Help!We'r sinking! we'r sinking~!" A non-English spoken newbie at the tower replied,"What..what..are you.. thinking about??..."
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 5
幫我罵 學校教授
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 10
昨天煮了滷牛肉跟雞腿~還有一大鍋滷汁~真好吃!今天要去買蔬菜 豆干 海帶 豆腐來滷~阿對了!!科學麵(即時麵)~讚!!
Kuan-I says
15 years ago
今天我花了91塊美金在學校university Store買了好幾件Tshirt~因為今天HALLOWEEN 31%off~
Kuan-I says
15 years ago 8
balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow, T-account, journal entry, adjusting entry, closing entry, summary entry... 真是搞死老娘我~
Kuan-I says
15 years ago
1 month to finish this semester but followed by scary Final Exams!