135Friends 21Fans
female Second Life, United States
Hiiii! I'm Poptart!

Done a lot. Still do a lot. Spend much time molesting my own avi's on my friend's blog. Love new friends so add away!
Kaija Arai
Isaelli Warblood
Themis Adasia
Elias Gellner
9 years ago 8
So, I've been really quiet lately. Not just in plurk but in SL in general. The last few weeks, I've put some time and effort into helping try to pass a bond that would actually help the schools in our area....
9 years ago
Sorry for the delay! New blog from Stuffery! At least one more to come today for ROMP!
Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir
9 years ago
New Blog from Stuffery! Second Indulgence preview. This one focuses on the clothes so far! Stay tuned for more! Indulgence Preview #2
9 years ago
New blog post from Stuffery! Previews for the upcoming Indulgence Fair! Indulgence Preview
9 years ago
New Blog Post at Stuffery Kids! Featuring Queen Elsa at Magicland! Squees!
Queen Elsa and Magicland! » Stuffery Kids
9 years ago 5
may the fourth be with you, young padawans
9 years ago 3
Gooooood morning plurkinators!
Poptart shares
9 years ago
gigglesnorts So...last night...my lil avi's mom's face broke. I had a little fun...
9 years ago
Sooo I finally got the Stuffery Kids blog up and going! First real blog post on it done! YAY! Fifty Linden Fridays » Stuffery Kids
9 years ago
Yaaay! Poptart has just gotten her replacement phone from the insurance peoples!