135Friends 21Fans
female Second Life, United States
Hiiii! I'm Poptart!

Done a lot. Still do a lot. Spend much time molesting my own avi's on my friend's blog. Love new friends so add away!
Kaija Arai
Isaelli Warblood
Themis Adasia
Elias Gellner
9 years ago
I'm not a fan of nasal sprays, but I tell you what, Nasacort is my best friend this year. Holy wow allergies have been crazy with this back and forth weather!
9 years ago 4
falls over I am FINALLY caught up with work. Just get to start all over on being overwhelmed by it tomorrow! o.o
9 years ago
Gyazo Dear mother nature, please stop PMS'ing at us so I can figure out wtf to do with my heat/air and not run up a huge bill. Thanks!
9 years ago
It just occurred to me that Monday is my 8th rez day for my first avi....even though I never use her anymore....I think that's the longest I've stuck with any game ever...even wow I left more often than SL!
9 years ago
Seems to be one of those days where if it can go wrong, it will....and yet....it's feeling like a good day....I'm so confused
9 years ago
I opened up plurk to say something and now I cannot remember what I was going to say.....way to go me....
9 years ago 3
good morning everyone! great nights sleep, migraine is gone but allergies have moved in but still feeling good this morning! hope everyone else is too!
9 years ago 6
Good morning plurk world!
9 years ago 1
No mommy! I don't want to go to work! Please don't make me goooo! Er..since I work with my dad, guess that should have been daddy....
9 years ago 7
I am baaaack from my trip for my niece's first birthday! Not sure who enjoyed it more. Her, her brother...or me....I'm such a kid