135Friends 21Fans
female Second Life, United States
Hiiii! I'm Poptart!

Done a lot. Still do a lot. Spend much time molesting my own avi's on my friend's blog. Love new friends so add away!
Kaija Arai
Isaelli Warblood
Themis Adasia
Elias Gellner
9 years ago 7
well....based on the rate of snowfall....again. ...I'm thinking we will be missing disney on ice today. le sigh!
9 years ago 1
Nooooo! Projected to get another foot of snow! I haven't even been able to rescue my car yet from the snow on Monday! falls over
9 years ago 1
Gyazo I've seen us get worse here, and areas just outside of town got almost twice what I did, but it still sucks. And my car is still stuck three blocks away
9 years ago
I just found the bright side of my car being stuck three blocks away....people trying to make money shoveling snow don't realize I'm home, so they're not bothering me!
9 years ago
I survived the storm! It'll just be a couple days before I can get my car from where it's stuck back to my house o.o
9 years ago 2
So...I try to tell my dad that my car will not make it on the snow we were suppose to get today. He's all "Sure it will!" I get to the office just fine. On the way home...nooot so much. He has to hep dig/push
9 years ago
Alas cruel world, I knew you well! But now you shall bury me under snow and I shall never see the light of day again! ;_;
9 years ago 3
G'morning plurkinators!
9 years ago 3
I was just so kindly informed that the two year old that has been climbing all over me and coughing all over me for a few days may have pneumonia ;_;
9 years ago 5
Why do people have to suck and do nothing but lie? sighs