135Friends 21Fans
female Second Life, United States
Hiiii! I'm Poptart!

Done a lot. Still do a lot. Spend much time molesting my own avi's on my friend's blog. Love new friends so add away!
Kaija Arai
Isaelli Warblood
Themis Adasia
Elias Gellner
9 years ago 2
It never fails. if it snows, I'm going to have to be in the field for work. Morning plurk!
9 years ago 3
I'm....not sure if I should be offended or not. my rl bestie got sent to a different store about an hour away the last two days and can't make it back in time to get her kids from the babysitters so she asked..
9 years ago 7
everyone welcome kaorinette to the dollhouse!
9 years ago 2
It's so pretty here today. the trees are all frosted and covered in white . the ground isn't so much but seeing all the trees in the mountains in the distance. ...makes getting up before noon. worth it
9 years ago 1
Morning plurkinators!
9 years ago 3
so, opinions. are my romp posts still enjoyed in the story style they're in or should I change it up? I've found myself being disappointed in the writing lately but
9 years ago 2
New Blog for ROMP's FRESH Fair! hAeon Fresh - ROMP Let's not talk about how late I am! o.o I'll just apologize for RL being evil!
9 years ago 4
Did we go back to 2007 and earlier and I not get the memo? Screenshot by Gyazo
9 years ago 2
Morning world
9 years ago 3
I feel broken again. And I'm tired of feeling that way. Only so much more I can do it before I totally fall apart.