Abi Ihya
14Friends 3Fans
male Indonesia
Konoha's Hokage Shouldn't have to face the likes of these guys...Please take easy and drink some tea or something !
Abi Ihya berbagi
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3356488_e34ef947c0f71e798ac2547a45c2753e.gif Semoga Alloh SWT memberikan kemenangan ke Palestina
Abi Ihya berbagi
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3356488_7070cd4855ffa12591d630a17730e570.jpg we love you palestine
Abi Ihya berbagi
15 years ago
Abi Ihya berbagi
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3356488_174f5315cf4e2e54de611715fe5d4132.jpg Sampai Tetes Darah Terakhir... Aku Akan Lawan !
Abi Ihya bilang
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3356488_7073ecc894648a193c9f6d5be55f261e.gif bismillahirrohmanirrohim https://images.plurk.com/3356488_7073ecc894648a193c9f6d5be55f261e.gif
Abi Ihya bilang
15 years ago 1
alhamdulillah https://images.plurk.com/3356488_7073ecc894648a193c9f6d5be55f261e.gif
Abi Ihya berbagi
15 years ago
Abi Ihya bilang
15 years ago
Siapa yg brtambah ilmunya, tdk brtambah imannya. Maka tdk brtambah dg Alloh SWT kecuali Jauhnya....
Abi Ihya berbagi
15 years ago
Gaza Kehabisan Lahan Makam (www.kompas.com) https://images.plurk.com/3356488_329e82fca38494e85720dd7a51b62b8c.jpg