6Friends 45Fans
female Selangor, Malaysia
简单及容易满足的人, 希望永远开开心心!!
He left ady, Forever leave me. WHY????
winnie79pooh 期待
15 years ago
can get myfm taiqing de票!! If get how to go? Fan leh!! (woot)
winnie79pooh 期待
15 years ago 2
go travel. Feeling unstable :'-(
15 years ago
collegue de relative, put handbag in car, kena pecah kereta cermin!! Aiyo
15 years ago 2
Going to move to Johor. Dun know how my future life will be. Go work then bak take care children. Can imagine so bored it is!!!
15 years ago 1
so fast the karma drop, but why not going up fast??? My emoticons not adding new!!! wan to cry
winnie79pooh 讨厌
15 years ago
winnie79pooh 期待
15 years ago
全世界的人收声。 不要乱乱猜测 X-(
15 years ago 3
我被人唱衰,荣登三姑六婆的八卦宝座,被人说三道四。 :'-( - 她老公死了最好, 他老婆很串的
winnie79pooh 期待
15 years ago
he come bak find me. I miss you, very very miss
15 years ago
Sudden found that by2 de song, is very match my current mood. :-( All feel sad sad de