4Friends 8Fans
female Dayton, OH, United States
showbiz, caffeine and animal lover from Ohio. Hopes to get into the movie industry one day. Has daily headaches. Self proclaimed geek. Made of awesome.
15 years ago
up. spilled my vitamin water everywhere and the tv is still effed up. Hope it isn't gonna be one of those days. No tv until Fri.
15 years ago
well I guess it's off to bed. have a cat AND a dog here with me. :-)
15 years ago
well goodnight everyone. let's see if I can sleep (fingers crossed). head is killin me.
willowdiamond is
15 years ago
we got 8 inches of snow last night. crazy.
willowdiamond is
15 years ago
hoping I can sleep now that the dr ordered no more sleeping pill :-( Also, I have a dog on my foot.
willowdiamond is
15 years ago
oh hello plurk, first plurk!