Will 保哥
666Friends 1007Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Will 保哥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
對於含有自動升級能力的 Windows 應用程式,我們可以使用 --skip-autouninstaller 參數,將該軟體從 Chocolatey 中移除,這樣才不會再升級套件的時候重新安裝該軟體!
choco uninstall GoogleChrome --skip-autouninstaller
Will 保哥
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
golang/gosudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install golang-go
Will 保哥
7 years ago
剛回報一個 Google Chrome 的 Bug,看到的人麻煩幫忙 Star 一下 :-))
798498 -
Copy as cURL (cmd) produce the wrong commands -

Will 保哥
7 years ago 1
慘了,我聽不出機器人與真人的語音差異了 >_<
Can you tell the difference between a real human voi...
Will 保哥
7 years ago 2 @Edit 7 years ago
Q: How do I leave a tenant when I am added as a collaborator?

A: When you are added to another organization's tenant as a collaborator, you can use the "tenant switcher" in the upper right to switch between tenants. Currently, there is no way to leave the inviting organization, and Microsoft is working on providing this functionality.
Will 保哥
7 years ago
cat <<'EOF' v.s. cat <<EOF
BashGuide/InputAndOutput - Greg's Wiki