27Friends 123Fans
male Shah Alam, Malaysia
Can we skip this?
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 3
it feels like shit when u are nobody. Nobody trust you no matter how strong your backup is. They keep asking for pictures and profiles. zzz
whyN!ck shares
13 years ago
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 5
mom put the nougat into fridge and when I ask her why, she said... (rofl)
whyN!ck says
13 years ago
I rmb saying- "Wake me up when September ends" Yesterday!!! Time flies.
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 5
on 11-11-11, it will be my 3rd year anniversary on Plurk. :-D
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 3
Kena JPJ for tinted screen. Need to send car for inspection. Any lubangs anyone? =)
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 6
spent the whole day at office. One hour to finish all office work and the rest is nap and fb.
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 3
staying at home on a Friday night is for 35yo above. I am living like one now. zzz
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 2
No, I am not going to Arthur's day even if u giving me the tickets! grr... what so special leh? BEP not coming also! :-(
whyN!ck says
13 years ago 3
ordered kungfu pan mee but they gave me Soup pan mee! THey insisted that i ordered soup! KNS!!!!!