warrenchen nosy
26Friends 7Fans
male Nan-tou, Taiwan

Likes transalating, breathing and reading.

Now serving in the permaculture industry (farming); which my utmost interest, as mine ultimate destinity.

More about me:
Warren Chen (陳伯軒) on about.me
warrenchen nosy 已經
11 years ago
睡前準備:漱洗更衣、量體適能、明日行事曆 .. 要怎麼把BMI提高呢,我又不喜炸、油物,甜點跟零食也少吃了,宵夜頂多水果或泡麥片.. (:
warrenchen nosy 正在
11 years ago 2
一邊整理明天聚會的資料,一邊聽公視講『行政院長【看見台灣】了(然後南投縣府打算將違法民宿就地合法)』、『清境=小瑞士?』;一邊把昨天的待辦事項1 1 解決。然後忍不住摳印了 XDrz
warrenchen nosy 好奇
11 years ago
Hinet 跟 proxy.hinet.net, 到底何時要開放 IPv6.. 一直把責任推到 client 端.. server 端都不透明了,怎麼取信於人啊 XD
warrenchen nosy 分享
11 years ago
台灣防災地圖 (www.google.org/crisismap... , 整合交通、潮汐、雲層、颱風動態..等資訊。剛剛才發現。似乎大愛電視的新聞也在用.. (wool)
warrenchen nosy 正在
11 years ago
oneness meditating; 剛看到大愛頻道【人間菩提】片首的一句話,翻成英語實在有夠漂亮。因為開機太久所以忘了原文,但英文關鍵字有"Awakening" "seed in people".. (揉眼
掱原文(中+英) XD
warrenchen nosy 分享
11 years ago 2
爽缺 徵助理領隊 免費遊世界45天 | 蘋果日報爽缺 徵助理領隊 免費遊世界45天 | 蘋果日報 →看路線好像還不錯,但旅行社的名稱.. 有點耳熟。(找名片)
warrenchen nosy 打算
11 years ago
吃飯,走走,圖書館,然後夜泳? // is gonna to dining, walk around, visit the library, and maybe swim a bit before 9 pm.
warrenchen nosy wishes
11 years ago
peace in greater me. Wellness in smaller me. and sent the blessings to friends who were NERVous last night (or past 8 hours )
warrenchen nosy 正在
11 years ago
to skies.