psi ishikawa
13Friends 3Fans
female Baltimore, MD, United States
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 20
So how can I bribe y'all into watching Lost so I can get some more castmates
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 2
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 10
when you find out there is not one, not two, but three different espresso blends, and you haven't had caffeine yet, and one of them is missing a description
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 7
Ben is a Slytherin. Perhaps so much of a Slytherin that the hat just took one look at him and said Slytherin.
psi ishikawa
11 years ago
i am trying to be good and not buy luigi's mansion until i am done with fire emblem but i am being so slow with fire emblem (grinding and SOCIAL LINKS) and i just want weegee
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 8
What do my character choices say about me?
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 6
I'm tempted to have Ben take up a gig as a substitute teacher on Saturdays but I have no idea what he'd teach that doesn't matter does it
psi ishikawa
11 years ago 1
I have just been blaring my music loud today so I may or may not be sharing it here