5Friends 1Fans
female Singapore
YoYo Yeo!
Weirdo person? maybe..
Normal person? most likely

Crazy over over Mr S.O.? Yes absolutely

Who is Mr S.O.? hehe... that my secret :-D
YoYo says
14 years ago 2
D.I.E! (Y) :-)
YoYo has
14 years ago
to go to dunno where do make a new concession card :-( why did i lost it @ the first place.. so ma fan
14 years ago
's bro asked me.. wat u do for future.. i answered.. no idea XD
YoYo wishes
14 years ago 2
that there is a job that only require watch drama.. and u get paid :-)
YoYo loves
14 years ago 2
to stay @ home and do nth :-)
YoYo wonders
14 years ago
should join mu for photography or continue with jap?
14 years ago
miss my 4 dearlings that are in xia men now :-(
YoYo shares
14 years ago 2
YoYo shares
14 years ago 2
xiao xin & my xiao pink https://images.plurk.com/5699629_efcab66b27d97221566ffc875a43982e.jpg
14 years ago 1
miss HK, shenzhen, peter wong, mr yao and xiao yun!