99Friends 89Fans
female Hillsboro, OR, United States
I am a wife, mom, knitter and crafter. I love playing cozy video games. On Ravelry I am Vorpalknitter.
VorpalKnitter says
12 years ago 2
Morning! I need to get moving, lots to do today!
VorpalKnitter says
12 years ago
Using a heating pad to ease the muscles I seem to have overworked yesterday. Must mean I had a good workout after all (gym_okok)
VorpalKnitter says
12 years ago 4
Happy Tuesday! :-)
VorpalKnitter is
12 years ago
back from the gym. Now I remember why the elliptical isn't my favorite. My toes go numb.
VorpalKnitter says
12 years ago
I love a lazy Monday morning with no work!
VorpalKnitter says
12 years ago 2
Good morning!
VorpalKnitter is
12 years ago 1
sad her fence has blown down in her front yard. :-(
VorpalKnitter is
12 years ago
heading to Bob's Red Mill this morning with LadyDragonflyAJH
VorpalKnitter is
13 years ago
happy that today is her Friday (dance)
VorpalKnitter feels
13 years ago
sleepy after lunch, and work is slow today (: